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How it works

Talks with you about your emotions and feelings

Adopts her reactions according to your needs

Gives you tips for mental well-being

Guides you through the basics of the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Keeps a mental health journal for you 

Chats about a variety of interesting topics

Mental Wellness Assistant

The first virtual persona who truly cares how you feel

The next-generation virtual assistant

Poppy is not just another virtual assistant. She is a virtual being who can understand and discuss complex emotions.

Learn to cope with negative emotions

Poppy listens as you speak, asks questions and adjusts her responses according to what you say. She then offers appropriate tips for improving your mental health and wellbeing. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach

Poppy uses the well-established CBT approach and even explains the basics of the method as you talk to her.

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