Albania | Australia | Austria | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Belgium | Belarus | Bulgaria | Canada | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Gibraltar | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | India | Ireland | Italy | Kosovo | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | New Zealand | Nigeria | North Macedonia | Norway | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | South Africa | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | UK | USA
Phone: 116 000
Linja e Keshillimit per Gra dhe Vajza: 116 117 (04 22 33 408); Adults, Seniors, Women; Open: 9:00 AM–8:00 PM; Facebook
Alo 116: 116 111; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; www.alo116.al
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Suicide callback service 1300 659 467
The MindSpot Clinic 1800 61 44 34
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25
National emergency number 112
National ambulance number 144
Telefonseelsorge 142; free of charge; Open 24/7
Rat auf Draht 147; Open 24/7; crisis number especially for children, juveniles and their attachment figures, free of charge
time4friends 0664-1070-144; All topics, Youth; 18-22; get-social.at
kids-line 0800-234-123; All topics, Youth; kids-line.at
NÖ Frauentelefon 0800-800-810; All topics, Women; Open 9:00 AM–12:00 PM; hilfswerk.at
Opfer-Notruf 0800 112 112; Open 24/7; opfer-notruf.at
24-Stunden Frauennotruf 01-71-71-9; Women; Open 24/7; wien.gv.at
Frauenhelpline Gegen Gewalt 0800-222-555; Parents, Women, Youth; Open 24/7; frauenhelpline.at
SOS KINDERDORF 0043512580101; Youth; sos-kinderdorf.at
Hilfe für Angehörige psychisch Erkrankter 01-526-42-02; Adults; Open 10:00 AM–3:00 PM; hpe.at
Kindernotruf 0800-567-567; Youth; Open 24/7; verein-lichtblick.at
Männernotruf 0800-246-247; Men; Open 24/7; maennernotruf.at
Bosnia and Herzegovina
National emergency number 124
Centar Srce 0800-300303; organisation for emotional support. Currently there no other organisation inside Bosnia and Herzegovina that deals with suicidal thought and prevention.
Plavi Telefon - Blue Phone 080 05 03 05; Adults, Youth; Open 10:00 AM–11:00 PM; plavitelefon.ba
National emergency number 112
For victims of violence at home 8 801 100 8 801; anonymous; 24/7
For children 801-100-1611; anonymous, 24/7
Минский областной клинический центр "Психиатрия - наркология" (Minsk Regional Clinical Centre 'Psychiatry-Addiction') 375(029)899-04-01375(17)311-00-99; Open 24/7; mokc.by
National emergency number 112
Stichting Zelfmoordlijn 1813 1813; 24/7 national suicide prevention phone line and a webchat everyday from 18:30 to 22:00 for Dutch language. Zelfmoordlijn 1813 limited webchat can be found at https://www.zelfmoord1813.be/chat-met-zelfmoordlijn-1813.
Stichting Centre de Prévention du Suicide 080032123; 24/7 national suicide prevention phone line for French language. The Center for the Prevention of Suicide website and Forum can be found at https://www.preventionsuicide.be/fr/j-ai-besoin-d-aide.html; preventionsuicide.be
De Druglijn Helpline 078 15 10 20; Open 10:00 AM–8:00 PM; druglijn.be
Tele-Onthaal 106; Open 24/7; tele-onthaal.be
Télé-Accueil 107; Open 24/7; tele-accueil.be
Anonieme Alcoholisten Vlaanderen 03 239 14 15; Open 24/7; aavlaanderen.org
1712 1712 Open 9:00 AM–10:00 PM; 1712.be
Alcooliques Anonymes 078 15 25 56; Open 24/7; alcooliquesanonymes.be
Centre pour l'Égalité des chances et la lutte contre le racisme (UNIA) 0800 12 800; unia.be
Centre de Prévention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales 02/539 27 44; Open 9:00 AM–5:00 PM; cpvcf.org
103-Ecoute-Enfants 103; Parents, Youth, Children; Open 10:00 AM–11:59 PM; 103ecoute.be
Community Help Service (CHS) Begium 02 648 40 14; Adults, Youth; chsbelgium.org
Écoute Violences Conjugales 0800 30 0 30; Adults; Open 24/7; ecouteviolencesconjugales.be
National emergency number 112
Bulgarian Red Cross 08001 1466; contact center for support is providing free consultations related to psycho-social issues and difficulties such as substance addiction, suicide prevention, depression and for people living with HIV/AIDS. The Red Cross can also be a first point of contact for situations related to human trafficking; https://www.redcross.bg/activities/activities5/telefon.html
Национална телефонна линия за деца - National Telephone Line for Children 116 111; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; 116111.bg
Алианс за защита от насилие, основано на пола – Alliance for Protection against Gender-Based Violence 0800 11 977; Open 24/7; alliancedv.org
Animus Association Foundation 02 981 76 86; Women; Open 24/7; animusassociation.org
Wellness Together Canada
Call 1-866-585-0445 (Adults) or 1-888-668-6810 (Youth) -
Free Crisis Counselor, 24/7
686868 for youth; 741741 for adults; Front Line Workers, text the word FRONTLINE to 741741 -
Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free)
Kids Help Phone
Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868. -
Always There app for additional support
National emergency number 112
Plavi Telefon +385 (1) 4833 888; Open 9:00 AM–8:00 PM; aims to provide support for issues such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide that traditional centers might not accomplish; www.plavi-telefon.hr
Psihološki centar Tesa (The Psychological Center Tesa) Helpline 01 48 28 888; Open 10:00 AM–10:00 PM; tesa.hr
HRABRI Telefon 116111; Parents, Youth; Open 9:00 AM–8:00 PM; hrabritelefon.hr
B.a.B.e 0800 200 144; Women; Open 8:00 AM–5:00 PM; stop-nasilju.com
National emergency number 112/199
Cyprus Samaritans 8000 7773; Open 3:00 PM–10:59 PM; cyprussamaritans.org
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (APHVF) Helpline 1440 003-57-99-9840421440; Open 24/7; domviolence.org.cy
Hope for children helpline 1466 1466; Parents, Children; Open 24/7; uncrcpc.org.cy
116000 116000; Children; Open 24/7; missingchildreneurope.eu
Czech Republic
National emergency number 112
Linka Bezpečí 116 111
Linka důvěry Centra Krizové Intervence Bohnice 284 016 666
Linka První psychologické pomoci 116 123
Diakonie ČCE: SOS denní krizová služba 222 514 040
Terapeutická linka Sluchátko 212 812 540
Krizová lika Anabell 848 200 210
Modrá linka 608 902 410, 731 197 477
Manuál pomoci při riziku sebevraždy (Národní ústav duševního zdraví)
National emergency number 112
Livslinien 70 201 201; 11am-4am; online chat available on livslinien.dk
Psykiatrifonden, Mental Health Helpline 39 25 25 25; Open 10:00 AM–10:00 PM; psykiatrifonden.dk
Lev uden Vold 1888; Open 24/7; levudenvold.dk
BørneTelefonen 116 111116 111; Youth; Open 24/7; bornetelefonen.dk
National emergency number 112
Eluliin +372 655 8088; provides emotional support for those suffering from depression and relationship issues. They are available from 7pm to 7am; the number is 655 8088 if you wish to call in Estonian, 655 5688 in Russian; eluliin.ee
Palunabi 116 006; Open 24/7; palunabi.ee
Tartu Women’s Shelter Helpline +372 5594 9496; Women; Open 24/7; naistetugi.ee
National emergency number 112
Kriisipuhelin MIELI Mental Health Finland 09 2525 0111 (Finnish, 24/7)/09 2525 0112 (Swedish, 3:00 PM–7:00 PM)/09 2525 0113 (Arabic and English, 12:00 PM–8:00 PM); assistance and support for those dealing with mental health issues and suicide; mieli.fi
Mielenterveyden Keskusliitto, Mental Health Helpline 0203 91920; mtkl.fi
Kirkon keskusteluapua 0400 221 180; Faith-based; kirkonkeskusteluapua.fi
National emergency number 112/(114 for all emergency services for deaf using FAX or SMS)
The national suicide prevention hotline (numéro national de prévention du suicide) 3114; A toll-free 24/7 lifeline that provides professional and confidential attention to people in need. This number also caters to the needs of health professionals, worried relatives, people beavered by suicide as well as to anybody else facing this sensitive issue.
Fil santé jeunes 0800 235 236; anonymous and toll-free number for young people
Suicide écoute (014) 539-4000; 24/7; suicide prevention helpline; suicide-ecoute.fr
SOS Suicide Phénix 01 40 44 46 45; (schedule): suicide prevention through listening and hospitality
SOS Amitié 09 72 39 40 50; (toll-free 24/7 number): distress listening on multimedia platform: phone, email, chat; sos-amitie.com
La Croix Rouge Ecoute 0-800-858-858; 9:00 AM–7:00 PM ;psychological support online, anonymous and free; croix-rouge.fr
SOS Help - emotional support in English in France 01-46-21-46-46; Open 3:00 PM–11:00 PM; soshelpline.org
Ecoute-famille de Unafam-Union Nationale de Familles et Amis de personnes malades et/ ou handicapées psychiques 01-42-63-03-03; Open 9:00 AM–6:00 PM; unafam.org
Nightline France (service d'ecoute nocturne pour les etudiants) 01 88 32 12 32; Adults, LGBTQ; nightline.fr
SOS Homophobie, LGBTIphobias Helpline 01 48 06 42 41; LGBTQ+; sos-homophobie.org
ALLO ÉCOUTE ADO 06 12 20 34 71; Youth; alloecouteado.org
La Fédération Nationale G.A.M.S. (Groupe pour l'Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles Féminines -excision-, des Mariages Forcés et autres pratiques traditionnelles néfastes à la santé des femmes et des enfants) (+33) 01-43-48-10-87; federationgams.org
EMPREINTES – Accompagner le deuil (Ligne d’écoute téléphonique nationale) 01-42-38-08-08; Open 10:00 AM–5:30 PM; empreintes-asso.com
Fédération Française Anorexie Boulimie (FFAB) 08-10-03-70-37; ffab.fr
Drogues info service 0800 231 313; drogues-info-service.fr
France Victimes - numéro national d'aide aux victimes 116-006; Open 9:00 AM–7:00 PM; france-victimes.fr
Fédération 3977 contre les maltraitances 3977; Adults, Seniors; Open 9:00 AM–7:00 PM; 3977.fr
L’association Avec Nos Proches 01 84 72 94 72; Open 8:00 AM–10:00 PM; avecnosproches.com
SOS Joueurs 09-69-39-55-12; Open 24/7; sosjoueurs.org
Ecoute cannabis 0-980-980-940; Open 8:00 AM–11:59 PM; drogues-info-service.fr
Joueurs info service 09-74-75-13-13; Open 8:00 AM–11:59 PM; joueurs-info-service.fr
Sida Info Service 0-800-840-800; Open 24/7; sida-info-service.org
National emergency number 112
Georgia Crisis & Access Line 1-800-715-4225; 24/7 mobile response provides immediate on-site crisis management through assessment, de-escalation, consultation and referral with post crisis follow up to assure linkage with recommended services
National emergency number 112
TelefonSeelsorge 0800 111 0 111/0800 111 0 222/116 123; Open 24/7, no cost; chat at https://online.telefonseelsorge.de/; telefonseelsorge.de
Nummer gegen Kummer e. V. - Kinder- und Jugendtelefon 116111; Youth, Children; Open 2:00 PM–8:00 PM; nummergegenkummer.de
Guttempler 0180 365 24 07 Open 24/7; guttempler.de
Hilfe-Telefon Sexueller Missbrauch 0800 22 55 530; hilfe-portal-missbrauch.de
Hilfe-Telefon Berta 0800 30 50 750; nina-info.de
Hilfetelefon – Gewalt Gegen Frauen 08000 116 016; Women; Open 24/7; hilfetelefon.de
NummergegenKummer (Elterntelefon) 0800 111 0 550; Parents; Open 10:00 AM–6:00 PM; nummergegenkummer.de
Muslimisches SeelsorgeTelefon 030 443 509 821; Faith-based; Open 24/7; mutes.de
National emergency number 112
GibSams 116 123; 6pm-11pm everyday; confidential and anonymous hotline for any issue/problem; gibsams.gi
Childline Gibraltar 580082888008; 5pm-9pm everyday; confidential and anonymous hotline for minors regarding any issue/problem; childline.gi
Bruce's Farm 200 48444; Open 24/7; drugwise.gi
National emergency number 112
Γραμμή Παρέμβασης για την Αυτοκτονία 1018 1018; suicide hotline; Open 24/7; suicide-help.gr
SOS Lifeline for the elderly 1065; http://www.lifelinehellas.gr
National Helpline for Children 1056; https://www.hamogelo.gr/gr/en/sos-1056/
Open support line for the LGBT community 11528; [1][2]
Σύνδεσμος Μελών Γυναικείων Σωματείων Γραμμή Ελπίδας - Union of Women Association Hope Line 801 11 16000; Open 24/7; kakopoiisi.gr
Εθνική Τηλεφωνική Γραμμή για τα Παιδιά SOS 1056 1056; Parents, Youth; Open 24/7; hamogelo.gr
Women SOS 15900; Women; Open 24/7; womensos.gr
National emergency number 112
Lesz 116 123/06 80 810-600 24/7,E-mail: sos116123@gmail.com; Faith-based; Open 24/7; anonym helpline providing emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed, or suicidal. The association works together with 22 services to provide the necessary help; sos116-123.hu
Blue Line 116-111/(116-000 for adults concerned about the mental or physical safety of children); 24/7 - Anonym child crisis helpline providing emotional support for young people who are in need of someone to listen to them, provide comfort, give suggestions or if they're just simply curious about topics regarding their surrounding. Chat and E-mail available on the website, but registration is needed; https://kek-vonal.hu/
Kék Vonal Gyermekkrízis Alapítvány 116 111; Youth; Open 24/7; kek-vonal.hu
National Emergency Number 112
Rauði krossinn 1717; Suicide help line; Open 24/7; raudikrossinn.is
The Pieta Organization 552 2218
KIRAN (24/7 national mental health helpline - ministry of social justice) 1800-599-0019
iCall, a psychosocial helpline set up by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).
Mumbai: Aasra has a free helpline, open 24/7. You can call them at +91 98204 66726, 022-25521111 (Monday-Saturday, 8am to 10pm) or email them at icall@tiss.edu
Goa: Cooj at +91 98225 62522 ( coojtrust@yahoo.co.in )
Samaritans Mumbai provides emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed, or suicidal. You can call them at +91 84229 84528 or +91 84229 84529 or +91 84229 84530 or you can write to them at talk2samaritans@gmail.com
Samaritans (Ireland) 116 123; registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide throughout Ireland; samaritans.ie
50808 50808/HELLO; free, confidential 24/7 national crisis-intervention text-message service. It can be reached by texting HELLO to 50808; text50808.ie
Childline 514441800 247 247; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; childline.ie
Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77; hospicefoundation.ie
The CARI Careline 0818 924 567; cari.ie
Towards Healing 1800 303 416; Faith-based; Open 10:00 AM–6:30 PM; towardshealing.ie
Connect Counselling 1800 477 477; connectcounselling.ie
My Options 1800 828 010; www2.hse.ie
SOSAD Ireland (041) 984-8754; Open 24/7; sosadireland.ie
Drug and Alcohol Helpline 1800 459 459; drugs.ie
National emergency number 112
Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio (SPS); 06.37 51 17 14; a suicide prevention helpline whose mission is to give psychological and emotional support to anyone in suicidal crisis or to anyone who lost a dear one for suicide, through a confidential listening from an equipe of doctors, psychologists and volunteers; http://www.prevenireilsuicidio.it/
Samaritans – ONLUS 800 86 00 22/06 77208977; available every day from 1pm to 10pm by calling http://www.samaritansonlus.org
Telefono Amico Italia 02 2327 2327/199284284; provides services everyday from 10am to 12am by calling; telefonoamico.it
Numero Anti Violenza E Stalking 1522; Women; Open 24/7; 1522.eu
Telefono Azzurro 19696; Youth; Open 24/7; azzurro.it
National emergency number 112
Suicide prevention hotline 080012345; [34]
Linja e Jetës 0800 12345; facebook.com
National emergency number 112
SKALBES +371 67222922/+371 27722292; 24 hours a day on all weekdays; skalbes.lv
Child Helpline 116111 116 111; Parents, Youth, Children; Open 24/7; uzticibastalrunis.lv
MARTA helpline 67378539; Women; Open 9:00 AM–5:00 PM; marta.lv
National emergency number 112
Vilties Linija 116123; Open 24/7; Free and anonymous prevention of suicide and psychological crises for adults by phone; viltieslinija.lt
Vaikų Linija (Child Line) 116111; Free and anonymous help to the children and teenagers by phone and online; Open 10:00 AM–10:00 PM; chat online here (Mon-Fri, 6PM-9PM); vaikulinija.lt
Jaunimo linija (Youth Line): 8 800 28888; Free, confidential and anonymous emotional support line for those struggling with daily issues, emotional distress or at risk of suicide; 24/7; email or chat online here (Mon-Sat, 6 PM - 10 PM); jaunimolinija.lt
Nelik vienas 8 604 11119; Men; nelikvienas.lt
Pagalbos Moterims Linija 8 800 66366; Women; Open 24/7; pagalbosmoterimslinija.lt
Specializuotos kompleksinės pagalbos centrai (SKPC) – Specialized Integrated Assistance Centers (SKPC) 8,700,55516; specializuotospagalboscentras.lt
Sidabrinė linija (the Silver Line) 8 800 800 20; Seniors; Open 7:00 AM–9:00 PM; sidabrinelinija.lt
Vyrų linija 8 670 00027; Men; vyrulinija.lt
National emergency number 112
SOS Détresse +352 45 45 45; Open 11h-23h on all weekdays and 11h-3h on Friday and Saturday; 454545.lu
Luxembourg Alzheimer Association (as ala) 26-432-432; Open 24/7; ala.lu
Women in distress 448181; Women; Open 24/7; fed.lu
(KJT) Kanner-Jugendtelefon 116 111; Youth; kjt.lu
Elterentelefon - Ecoute parents (KJT) 26-640-555; Parents; Open 4:00 PM–7:00 PM; kjt.lu
InfoMann - Hommes en détresse 274 965; Men; Open 9:00 AM–5:00 PM; infomann.lu
Helpline Domestic Violence Luxembourg 2060-1060; Open 12:00 PM–8:00 PM; helpline-violence.lu
Centre psycho-social et d'accompagnement scolaires - service d'ecoute/helpline 8002-9393; Parents, Youth, Children; Open 8:00 AM–6:00 PM; cepas.public.lu
Child Focus (enfants disparus - enfants en détresse) 116-000; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; 116000.lu
Befrienders Kuala Lumpur: 03-76272929/03-7956 8145
National emergency number 112
Appogg Supportline 179 179; Open 24/7; fsws.gov.mt
Crisis Resolution Malta 9933 9966; Open 24/7; m.facebook.com
National emergency number 112
113 Zelfmoordpreventie113 (regular fees)/ 0800-0113 (free); 24/7 national suicide prevention phone line and webchat found at https://www.113.nl/ik-denk-aan-zelfmoord/hulplijn; https://www.113.nl/
MIND Korrelatie 0900 1450; Open 9:00 AM–9:00 PM; mindkorrelatie.nl
de Luisterlijn 088 0767 000; Open 24/7; deluisterlijn.nl
Moviera 0883744744; Open 24/7; moviera.nl
Centrum Seksueel Geweld, Sexual Assault Center 0800-0188; Open 24/7; centrumseksueelgeweld.nl
Chat met Fier 088-2080000; Open 24/7; fier.nl
Veilig Thuis - Safe at Home 0800 2000; Open 24/7; veiligthuis.nl
Blijf Groep 0882342450; Adults, Women, Children; Open 24/7; blijfgroep.nl
De Kindertelefoon 0800 0432; Youth, Children; Open 11:00 AM–9:00 PM; kindertelefoon.nl
Alles oké? Supportlijn 0800-0450; Youth; Open 2:00 PM–10:00 PM; allesoke.nl
use and trauma.
New Zealand
Lifeline 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP)
Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Healthline 0800 611 116
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Depression-specific helplines (New Zealand)
Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202
To talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions. -
Online e-therapy tool provided by the University of Auckland that helps young people learn skills to deal with feeling down, depressed or stressed.
Sexuality or gender identity helpline
OUTLine NZ 0800 688 5463 (OUTLINE) provides confidential telephone support
Helplines for children and young people
Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234 / talk@youthline.co.nz / online chat
thelowdown.co.nz team@thelowdown.co.nz / free text 5626 / free 24hr helpline 0800 111 757
What's Up – 0800 942 8787 (for 5–18 year olds). Phone counselling is available Monday-Friday, 12pm–11pm and weekends, 3pm–11pm. Online chat is available Monday-Friday 1pm-10pm and Saturday and Sunday 3pm-10pm.
Kidsline – 0800 54 37 54 (0800 kidsline)
For young people up to 18 years of age. Open Monday-Friday 4pm-9pm.
Other specialist helplines
Skylight 0800 299 100
For support through trauma, loss and grief. Open Monday-Friday 9am–5pm. -
Supporting Families In Mental Illness Auckland 0800 732 825. Find other regions' contact details here.
Alcohol and Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 / online chat
Are You OK 0800 456 450, Family violence helpline.
Gambling Helpline 0800 654 655
Anxiety phone line 0800 269 4389
Seniorline 0800 725 463; A free information service for older people
The Wellbeing Service is a 24/7 online, on the phone and in-person counselling service fully funded by the NZ Music Foundation and provided free of charge to those in the Kiwi music community who can't access the help they need due to hardship and other circumstances. -
Shine 0508 744 633; confidential domestic abuse helpline.
Quit Line 0800 778 778; Smoking cessation help.
Women's Refuge Crisisline 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE;
For women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family. -
Shakti Crisis Line 0800 742 584
For migrant or refugee women living with family violence. -
Rape Crisis 0800 883 300
For support after rape or sexual assault.
North Macedonia
National emergency number 112
Krizen centar /02/3173-424; Open 24/7; krizencentar.org.mk
Психолошка поддршка на возрасни лица во самоизолација - Psychological support for people in self-isolation 072 919 009; Open 24/7; koronavirus.gov.mk
Трудниците и родилките на кои им е потребна психолошка поддршка - Pregnant Women and Mothers In Need Psychological Support 078 378 766; Women; Open 24/7
Психолошка поддршка за родители на деца со попреченост - Psychological Support for Parents of Children with Disabilities 070 291 574; Adults, Parents; Open 24/7
Психолошка поддршка на родители на деца од предучилишна и училишна возраст - Psychological support for parents of preschool and school children 072 912 676; Parents; Open 24/7
Nigerian Suicide Prevention Initiative Counselling Centre
234 809 210 6493
National emergency number 112/113
Mental Helse Hjelpetelefonen 116 123 (Mental Health): 116 123; Open 24/7; Mental Helse does also provide where users can write messages anonymously and get answers within 48-hours. A chat-service is also provided. It is open Mondays from 19.00 - 22.00 and Wednesdays: from 19.00 - 22.00. The chat-services may not always be open in July and on public celebration days or Sundays; an online mail service at http://sidetmedord.no; mentalhelse.no
Kirkens SOS 22 40 00 40; faith-related; Open 24/7; free to call and confidential. Kirkens SOS does also provide an anonymous message service (which replies within 24-hours) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and a chat open 7 days a week at 18.30 - 22.30.
Rusinfo Substance Abuse: Rustelefonen.no Helpline 915 08 588; Open 11:00 AM–6:00 PM; rusinfo.no
Reform Mannstelefonen 22 34 09 60; Men; reform.no
Hjelpetelefonen for seksuelt misbrukte 800 57 000; Open 24/7; hfsm.no
Arbeidslivstelefonen 225 66 700; mentalhelse.no
Skeiv Ungdom LGBQT: Ungdomstelefonen Helpline 400 00 777; LGBTQ+, Youth; skeivungdom.no
Alarmtelefonen for barn og unge 417 16 111116 111; Parents, Youth, Children; Open 24/7; 116111.no
Foreldresupport/Studenttelefonen 116 123; Parents/Youth; Open 24/7; mentalhelse.no
1553 Luzon-wide landline toll-free
GLOBE / ™ Subscribers
0917-899-8727 (USAP)
989 8727 (USAP)
SMART / SUN / TNT Subscribers
National emergency number 112
Anonimowy Przyjaciel (Anonymous friend) 895270000/89 19288; 24/7 assistance as the only unit of this type in Poland; telefonzaufania.org.pl
Telefon Zaufania dla dzieci i młodzieży (Foundation 'Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę) 116 111; Open 24/7; provides psychological help for children (younger than 18) as in crisis, home violence, or bullying; https://fdds.pl/116-111-telefon-zaufania-dla-dzieci-i-mlodziezy/
Centrum Wsparcia 800 70 2222; Open 24/7; centrumwsparcia.pl
Stowarzyszenie Animo - Odważ się żyć! 22 270 11 65; stowarzyszenieanimo.pl
Poradnia Telefoniczna "Niebieskiej Linii" - Blue Line 22 668-70-00; niebieskalinia.pl
Telefon dla rodziców i nauczycieli w sprawie bezpieczeństwa dzieci 800 100 100; Adults, Parents; 800100100.pl
Women's Rights Center (Centrum Praw Kobiet) 600070717; Women; Open 24/7; cpk.org.pl
Kryzysowy Telefon Zaufania 116 123 116 123; Adults, Parents; Open 2:00 PM–10:00 PM; psychologia.edu.pl
National emergency number 112
Voz de Apoio 225 50 60 70; anonymous and confidential. You can speak to them by calling or through Skype, face-to-face, or writing; vozdeapoio.pt
SOS Voz Amiga 213 544 545/912 802 669/963 524 660/800 209 899 (Free Green Line 9pm to 12am); available daily from 4pm to 12am; sosvozamiga.org
SOS Estudante +351915246060/969 554 545/239 484 020; anonymous, confidential support every day from 8pm to 1am by calling as well as through Skype; sosestudante.pt
Telefone da Amizade 22 832 35 35; telefone-amizade.pt
Vozes Amigas de Esperança 222 030 707; voades.pt
National emergency number 112
Alianța Română de Prevenție a Suicidului 0800 801 200; available between 19:00 and 07:00; support helpline whose mission is to give psychological and emotional support to those who are suicidal or in a psychological crisis. Help is offered by psychologists and Psychology student volunteers; http://www.antisuicid.com/
Asociația de Suicidologie 0800 080 100/116 123; available 24/7; emergency counseling to those, regardless of their age, who are in a psychological crisis and may express suicidal ideation; http://www.preveniresuicid.eu/pagina-principala/
TelVerde Antisuicid 0800 801 200; antisuicid.ro
TelVerde antidepresie 0800 0800 20; A toll-free anti-depression hotline which is available 24/7
Helpline anti-anxietate 0374 456 420; A toll-free anti-anxiety hotline which is available 24/7
Agenția Națională pentru Egalitatea de Șanse între Femei și Bărbați Linie Telefonică Non Stop Gratuită 0800 500 333; Open 24/7; anes.gov.ro
Deprehub Helpline 0374 456 420; Open 24/7; deprehub.ro
Telefonul Copilului 116111; Children; Open 24/7; 116111.ro
National emergency number 112 (051/8495051 – 24-hour emergency number for Moscow residents)
Suicide helpline (495) 625 3101
Samaritans (Cherepovets) 007 (8202) 577-577; 9am-9pm
EMERCOM Psychological Service +7 (495) 989-50-50; https://psi.mchs.gov.ru/
Экстренной психологической помощи МЧС России - Emergency Psychological Assistance EMERCOM of Russia +7(495) 989-50-50; Open 24/7; psi.mchs.gov.ru
ТыНеОдна НеГорячаяЛиния помощи (YouAreNotAlone Women's Helpline) 8 800 101 64 79; Women; Open 8:00 AM–8:00 PM; tineodna.ru
НеГорячаяЛиния 8 800 707 54 65; Men; Open 8:00 AM–8:00 PM; hotlineformen.ru
Moscow Psychological emergency phone 051; Open 24/7; msph.ru
Russian LGBT Network 8-800-555-73-74; Open 2:00 PM–8:00 PM; lgbtnet.org
Анна Центр Всероссийскийтелефон доверия - Anna Center All-Russian Helpline 8 800 7000 600; Women; Open 24/7; anna-center.ru
Кризисный Центр для Женщин (Crisis Center for Women) 812 327-30-00; Adults, Women; Open 10:00 AM–5:00 PM; crisiscenter.ru
National Ambulance Number 194
Dr Laza Lazarević Clinic for Suicide Prevention 011 7777-000
SRCE Novi Sad (+381) 21-6623-393/(0800-300-303 Toll-free); 2pm-11pm; (http://www.centarsrce.org/)
Centar Srce 0800-300-303; Open 2:00 PM–11:00 PM; centarsrce.org
Samaritans of Singapore; 24/7; 1800 221 4444, Email Befriending pat@sos.org.sg
SAF Hotline (For SAF Personnel); 1800 278 0022
A national platform mindline.sg launched to help users assess their wellbeing and provide some forms of assistance if needed.
National emergency number 112
IPčko 0800 500 333; Open 24/7; Suicide prevention and psychological help (mainly for youth), providing online chat counseling service from 7am to midnight. IPčko also provides email counseling 24/7 on ipcko@ipcko.sk; ipcko.sk
Linka detskej dôvery 0907 401 749; Parents, Youth, Children; Open 8:00 AM–8:00 PM; linkadeti.sk
Linka dôvery Nezábudka 0800 800 566; Adults; Open 24/7; dusevnezdravie.sk
Linka detskej istoty 116111; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; ldi.sk
Pomoc Obetiam Násilia – Victim Support Slovakia 0850 111 3210850 111 321; Open 24/7; pomocobetiam.sk
Non-stop linka pre ženy zažívajúce násilie 0800 212 212; Women; Open 24/7; zastavmenasilie.gov.sk
National emergency number 112
Telefon Samarijan 116 123; toll-free; available 24/7. The purpose of the organisation is to be available for a conversation to anyone suffering from distress. The confidential phone call hotline is carried out in accordance with the fundamental principles of the international organisation IFOTES; telefon-samarijan.si
TOM – telefon za otroke in mladostnike - TOM - Telephone For Children And Adolescents 116 111; toll-free; available 7-days a week from 13:00 - 20:00 and is primarily meant for children and adolescents in distress. The telephone functions within the Association of Friends of Youth of Slovenia (ZPMS). It serves the purpose of providing emotional support for children and young people who face various questions, dilemmas or distress during the process of growing up. Advisers are available to callers needing to share their problems or are seeking advice and additional information; e-tom.si
Klic v duševni stiski - A Call In Mental Distress (01) 520-99-00; available 7-days a week 19:00 - 7:00. Counsellors of the hotline are trained to work with people and especially trained to talk with people who are having suicidal thoughts. However, you can call for help regardless of the cause of your distress; http://www.psih-klinika.si/koristne-informacije/klic-v-dusevni-stiski/
zenska svetovalnica Krizni Telefon - women's counseling Crisis Telephone +386 31 233 211; Open 24/7; voluntary women's organisation that works in the field of psycho-social assistance and the self-help of women who are victims of violence. They offer free counseling, information on public service competencies and assistance in organizing self-help groups to women in need; www.drustvo-zenska-svetovalnica.si
Društvo SOS Telefon 080-11-55; Women, Children; Open 24/7; www.drustvo-sos.si
South Africa
0800 567 567
National emergency number 112
Suicide Crisis Line 024; Open 24/7; free of charge
Teléfono de la Esperanza 717 003 717; Open 47/7; allowing callers to discuss a range of challenges from trauma and suicide to relationship issues; http://www.telefonodelaesperanza.org
FAD 900 16 15 15; Open 9:00 AM–9:00 PM; fad.es
Asociación Internacional Teléfono de la Esperanza (ASITES) 717 003 717; Open 24/7; telefonodelaesperanza.org
Samaritans in Spain 900 525 100; Open 10:00 AM–10:00 PM; samaritansinspain.com
Psikevirtual 912907177; psikevirtual.com
Psicólogos Sin Fronteras España 658 712 646; fundacionpsf.org
Fundación ANAR de Ayuda A Niños/as y Adolescentes 900202010; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; anar.org
SAPTEL 5552598021; Open 24/7; saptel.org.mx
Teléfono 016 – Servicio de atención a todas las formas de violencia contra las mujeres 016; Women; Open 24/7; violenciagenero.igualdad.gob.es
Centro de crisis contra la violencia sexual Pilar Estébanez 900 869 947; Women; Open 24/7; madrid.es
UAM universidad Autonoma Metropolitana 5558046444; Open 9:00 AM–5:00 PM; uam.mx
Teléfono De La Mujer Galicia 900400273; Women; Open 24/7; igualdade.xunta.gal
National emergency number 112
Mind Sjalvmordslinjen (Suicide prevention hotline) 90101; registered non-profit organisation; the organisation provides a 24-hour email, chat and hotline service, all of which are toll-free; https://mind.se/hitta-hjalp/sjalvmordslinjen/
BRIS – Barnens rätt i samhället (Children's right in society) 116 111; a children's rights organisation. They offer toll-free and anonymous support for all children and young adults up to the age of 18 through phone and chat every day of the year 14:00 - 21:00. BRIS offers contact to curators through email and contact with other youth through their online forum; bris.se
SPES - Survivors of suicide loss Helpline 020 -18 18 00; spes.se
Äldrelinjen 020-22 22 33; Seniors; Open 8:00 AM–7:00 PM; mind.se
Kvinnofridslinjen – Sweden’s National Women’s Helpline 020-50-50-50; Women; Open 24/7; kvinnofridslinjen.se
National emergency number 144
Verband Tel 143 - Die Dargebotene Hand 143/147147; helpline for any kind of life crisis and mental health problems; 143.ch
National emergency number 112
ALO 183 Social Support Hotline 183; Open 24/7; alo183.gov.tr
National emergency number 112
Lifeline Ukraine 7333; Open 24/7; lifelineukraine.com
Національна гаряча лінія з попередження домашнього насильства, торгівлі людьми та ґендерної дискримінації 116123; Adults, LGBTQ+, Women; Open 24/7; la-strada.org.ua
Національна гаряча лінія для дітей та молоді - National Toll-Free Hot Line for Children and Youth 116 111; Youth, Children; Open 24/7; la-strada.org.ua
United Kingdom
National emergency number 999/112
National Health Services' First Response Service for mental health crises and support 111; not available in all areas of the country
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK 0800 689 5652; helpline offering a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide throughout the UK and is open 24/7. This helpline is founded by the charity Suicide Prevention Bristol https://www.spbristol.org/
SOS Silence of Suicide 0300 1020 505; registered charity supporting children & adults struggling with poor mental health and suicidal ideation. They provide a standard rate phone support service open 8pm until Midnight, Friday to Monday inclusive
Samaritans 116 123; registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom.[42] They provide a 24/7, toll-free crisis line, as well as local branches; Samaritans' previous hotline number, 08457 90 90 90, is no longer in use. Calling this line may result in charges for call forwarding; http://www.samaritans.org/
Campaign Against Living Miserably 0800 58 58 58 (Nationwide available every day from 5PM to midnight)/0808 802 58 58 (London available every day from 5PM to midnight); a registered charity based in England; CALM webchat can be found at https://www.thecalmzone.net/help/get-help/ (available every day from 5PM to midnight); https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Shout (Text SHOUT to 85258); the UK's first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It is a place to go for those struggling to cope and in need of immediate help. Shout is an affiliate of the Crisis Text Line in the U.S; https://www.giveusashout.org/
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) hotline
1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or info@nami.org -
Crisis Text Line – Text NAMI to 741-741
Connect with a trained crisis counsellor to receive free, 24/7 crisis support via text message. -
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255)
If you or someone you know is in crisis—whether they are considering suicide or not—please call the toll-free Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counsellor 24/7.
PromethistAI has collated these phone numbers based on publicly available information and does not bear responsibility for the functioning of the helplines run by different organisations.